Human-Robot Interaction for Co-Robots in Industry 5.0
Industry 5.0 envisions humans and robots working side by side in partly open and less controlled environments. In this presentation, I will briefly motivate the kinds of capabilities robots will need to become genuine collaborators and demonstrate some of them with examples from our own work. I will conclude with an outlook of what technical developments are still need to make this vision feasible.
Short Biography
Matthias Scheutz the Karol Family Applied Technology Professor of computer science in the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University in the School of Engineering, and Director of the Human- Robot Interaction (HRI) Laboratory and the HRI Masters and PhD programs. He is also President and CEO of Thinking Robots, Inc.
He has over 400 peer-reviewed publications in artificial intelligence, artificial life, agent-based computing, natural language understanding, cognitive modeling, robotics, human-robot interaction and foundations of cognitive science. His current research focuses on complex ethical AI-enabled robots with natural language interaction, problem-solving, and instruction-based learning capabilities in open worlds.